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Korean Patchwork Quilting: 37 Modern Bojagi Style Projects

Posted by JayJay on 19-03-2021, 17:07 @ English eBooks
Korean Patchwork Quilting: 37 Modern Bojagi Style Projects

From its origins as wrapping cloths made from scraps of fabric to its place in contemporary textile art shows, Bojagi—the traditional art of Korean patchwork quilting—is a wonderfully versatile mode of expression that can transform a room or a wardrobe.

Written by master instructor Choi Yangsook, Korean Patchwork Quilting teaches you step-by-step techniques through the art of assembling bits of lightweight fabric, by means of invisible seams, to create contemporary pieces for your home and life.

The 37 projects in this book include:
Hangings for walls and windows
Exquisite table runners and table cloths
Delicate bags and pouches
Zakka ("miscellaneous") accessories
Quirky jewelry pieces
And more.