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The Megabook of Teambuilding Games - Let Us Speak - EU Erasmus +

Posted by wblue on 19-04-2019, 00:15 @ English eBooks
The Megabook of Teambuilding Games - Let Us Speak - EU Erasmus +
The Megabook of Teambuilding Games - Let Us Speak - EU Erasmus +

Do your students feel shy when it comes to speaking, especially a foreign language? We can help them lower
their fear by playing team-building games, offering an enjoyable educational atmosphere, developing communicative skills, cooperation, and problem-solving and creative competences.
Team-building activities are a good way to strengthen the students’ interactions, help them learn about each
other, and encourage them to find ways to achieve a common goal. By playing team-building games, students
learn to build relationships and trust, open up new friendships, and feel more connected. In the meantime,
they use the target language to communicate, without even realizing this. The tasks require sharing ideas,
listening to others, and willingness to try new approaches and cooperation.
These games work well for every age group and in multiple environments. They were tested on teenagers
taking part in four team-building camps in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey, within the Erasmus+ project Let Us Speak.
The games have been divided into five categories and come with full descriptions and instructions, to make
them easier to work with.
We hope you will find them enjoyable