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5 Psychology English eBooks

Posted by wblue on 13-03-2019, 15:06 @ English eBooks
The Archetype Diet: Reclaim Your Self-Worth and Change the Shape of Your Body
Awaken the Power Within: In Defense of Self-Help
The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers
The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health
Inventology: How We Dream Up Things That Change the World

5 Psychology English eBooks
5 Psychology English eBooks

The Archetype Diet: Reclaim Your Self-Worth and Change the Shape of Your Body
English | June 5th, 2018 | ISBN: 0735213763 | 336 Pages | EPUB | 1.12 MB
Discover your unique female archetype to combat emotional eating, lose weight, and become your happiest, healthiest you.
In working with thousands of women who wanted to lose weight and change the shape of their bodies, leading nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner Dana James observed a striking trend: no matter how diligent they were in sticking to their diet and exercise plans, old behavioral patterns and self-doubt sabotaged their efforts. In The Archetype Diet, James helps readers escape the seemingly endless psychological tug-of-war that is hampering their ability to care for themselves and explains which hormones cause you to store body fat on your belly, thighs and hips, and what to eat to change it. A revolutionary, holistic approach to weight loss, this book guides in readers in discovering which of four archetypes they embody:
The Nurturer is always there to care for others. She is kind and compassionate, but this can come at the expense of her own self-care.
The Wonder Woman bases her self-worth on her accomplishments. She is ambitious and driven, but her work often takes precendent over her diet.
The Femme Fatale is sensual, strong, and alluring but can become obsessed with her looks to the point that she develops an unhealthy relationship with food.

Awaken the Power Within: In Defense of Self-Help
English | June 5th, 2018 | ISBN: 0143132598 | 288 Pages | EPUB | 3.83 MB
The $12 billion self-help industry is under constant attack for pedaling false miracles to duped believers. But sociologist Albert Amao demonstrates that Americans eagerly support self-help books, seminars, and programs because, under the right conditions, these things work.
Sociologist Albert Amao analyzes the accuracy of self-help and positive-thinking claims in this groundbreaking-and wholly unexpected-exploration of what works, what doesn't, and why."Regarding my personal experience," Amao writes, "I can testify that positive thinking and positive action have worked wonderfully for me. Born in a poor Latin-American country into a very impoverished family with both parents practically illiterate, I was the oldest of five children. I started working when I was six years old, shining shoes and selling newspapers to help my family. Nobody then would have believed that I would be able to finish high school. Nevertheless, I was able to do it going to night school, which allowed me to be admitted at the San Marcos University in Lima to get my Ph.D. in sociology. All these things were possible because, when I was teenager, I had access to New Thought," or positive-thinking philosophy. Contrary to the critics who blithely dismiss self-help methods, or the New Age gurus who sell it them as miracles, Amao-writing with sobriety, scholarship, and drawing on deep personal experience-explores the conditions under which self-help is authentic.

The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers
English | June 5th, 2018 | ISBN: 0804136661 | 320 Pages | EPUB | 1.23 MB
The larger-than-life journey of an 18-year-old college freshman who set out from his dorm room to track down Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, and dozens more of the world's most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers.
The Third Door takes readers on an unprecedented adventure-from hacking Warren Buffett's shareholders meeting to chasing Larry King through a grocery store to celebrating in a nightclub with Lady Gaga-as Alex Banayan travels from icon to icon, decoding their success. After remarkable one-on-one interviews with Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Larry King, Jessica Alba, Pitbull, Tim Ferriss, Quincy Jones, and many more, Alex discovered the one key they have in common: they all took the Third Door.
Life, business, success . . . it's just like a nightclub. There are always three ways in.
There's the First Door: the main entrance, where 99 percent of people wait in line, hoping to get in. The Second Door: the VIP entrance, where the billionaires and celebrities slip through. But what no one tells you is that there is always, always . . . the Third Door. It's the entrance where you have to jump out of line, run down the alley, bang on the door a hundred times, crack open the window, sneak through the kitchen-there's always a way.
Whether it's how Bill Gates sold his first piece of software or how Steven Spielberg became the youngest studio director in Hollywood history, they all took the Third Door.

The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health
English | June 5th, 2018 | ISBN: 0062376586 | 336 Pages | EPUB | 1.28 MB
Chances are, at some point in your life you've noticed the connection between your brain and your gut. If you've ever felt queasy as you walked into an uncomfortable situation or based a life decision based on a "gut feeling," then you know that sometimes our bodies react faster than our minds.
Most of us have also experienced the same phenomenon in reverse, where our mental state has affected our digestive system-like the butterflies in our stomach before an important meeting or a first date. But while the dialogue between the mind and the gut has been recognized for centuries, scientists today are just starting to understand how powerful that connection is. In The Mind-Gut Connection, Dr. Emeran Mayer, executive director of the UCLA Oppenheimer Center for the Neurobiology of Stress, offers a cutting-edge view into this developing science, showing us the full impact of how the brain, gut, and microbiome-the community of microorganisms that live inside the digestive tract-communicate. As Dr. Mayer explains, when this communication channel is out of whack, major health problems can crop up, including food sensitivities and allergies, digestive disorders, obesity, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. The Mind-Gut Connection teaches us how, with a few simple changes to our diet and lifestyle, we can enjoy a happier mindset, enhanced immunity, a decreased risk of developing neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and even lose weight. With a simple, practical regimen drawn from the latest research, Dr. Mayer shows us that paying attention to the mind-gut balance is the key to unlocking vibrant health.

Inventology: How We Dream Up Things That Change the World
English | June 1st, 2018 | ISBN: 0544811925 | 304 Pages | EPUB | 18.05 MB
A father cleans up after his toddler and imagines a cup that won't spill. An engineer watches people using walkie-talkies and has an idea. A doctor figures out how to deliver patients to the operating room before they die. By studying inventions like these-the sippy cup, the cell phone, and an ingenious hospital bed -we can learn how people imagine their way around "impossible" problems to discover groundbreaking answers. Pagan Kennedy reports on how these enduring methods can be adapted to the twenty-first century, as millions of us deploy tools like crowdfunding, big data, and 3-D printing to find hidden opportunities. Inventology uses the stories of inventors and surprising research to reveal the steps that produce innovation. Recent advances in technology and communication have placed us at the cusp of a golden age; it's now more possible than ever before to transform ideas into actuality. Inventology is a must-read for designers, artists, makers-and anyone else who is curious about creativity. By identifying the steps of the invention process, Kennedy reveals the imaginative tools required to solve our most challenging problems.