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Futurism: Cartoons from Tomorrow: A Futuristic Comic Collection

Posted by JayJay on 14-12-2022, 15:35 @ English eBooks
Futurism: Cartoons from Tomorrow: A Futuristic Comic Collection

Cartoons from Tomorrow is a timely, clever collection of 125 single-panel cartoons that explore our ever-evolving relationship with technology and makes audacious predictions about our future.

Enter Futurism, the 16M-strong community and media company that is obsessed with the future and everything that will get us there. Their mission? Preparing the people of today for the world of tomorrow. Based on one of Futurism's most viral recurring features, this collection of cartoons parodies our wild imaginings and presents a unique and distinct vision of what's in store for us -- from the good to the bad to the downright absurd. The cartoons cover topics ranging from virtual reality and artificial intelligence to space colonization, robot ethics, mass surveillance, technology addiction, human longevity, and more. Nothing is impossible or off-limits. After all, this is the future we're talking about.