DownTR » Program » WebSupergoo ImageGlue DotNET (x86/x64)

WebSupergoo ImageGlue DotNET (x86/x64)

Posted by wblue on 1-09-2017, 16:02 @ Program
ImageGlue is a popular toolkit for dynamic image generation. With ImageGlue you can manipulate images in high quality and with incredible performance using simple C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET code. Use ImageGlue as an Active Server Page Extension to create and modify images on the fly from Windows based web servers. Use ImageGlue as a .NET component in your desktop applications. If you're looking for the best image component for the Microsoft's .NET Framework, use ImageGlue .NET! ImageGlue .NET is a .NET native product encapsulated in an easy-to-deploy set of DLLs. You'll find our documentation clear and extensive, with example code in C# and VB.NET for all major functions, and an example web project which you may freely adapt. Read and write core image types like BMP, PNG, TIFF, JPEG/JFIF, GIF, Photoshop, QuickDraw PICT, Targa, PDF, EPS, Macromedia Flash™ 5, QuickTime Image, Silicon Graphics, MacPaint, FlashPix and JPEG2000. Handle extremely large TIFF files with our Very Large TIFF Support™. Read images from movie types like AVI and MOV. Plus support for over 80 other graphics file formats.

WebSupergoo ImageGlue DotNET (x86/x64)