DownTR » Android » Fight of the Legends v1.2.9 Mod .apk

Fight of the Legends v1.2.9 Mod .apk

Posted by wblue on 19-09-2017, 12:49 @ Android
Best fighting game for them who loves various fighting styles hand-to-hand battles, boxing and karate, kalaripayattu, Martial art, sword fight, thai boxer etc.

Fight of the Legends v1.2.9 Mod .apk
Fight of the Legends v1.2.9 Mod .apk

1. Each character fights with different style of fighting
2. Pure 3D
3. Characters made with real models
4. Indian Martial Art style
5. Cool Music
6. Store System to upgrade your character

During the events of Fight of the legend, both the forces of light and darkness have been annihilated, with only the thunder god Indra and the lord of the hell Narakasur remaining to represent them. A severely weakened Indra is about to be killed by Narakasur, but casts a last-minute spell on his friend